Steering Committee Minutes - November 1973

Minutes of Steering Committee of the International Skeletal Society held in November 29, 1973 in Chicago (USA)

Present were: Drs Jacobson, Theros, Reeder, Lodwick, Kaufmann and Edeiken.

It was approved in principal a journal to be published six times a year. Within this journal will be the cases presented at the annual meeting of the ISS and articles on skeletal radiology.

It was pointed out by Dr Edeiken that increasing pressures were being made on the Society to admit outstanding physicians who are primarily interested in bone. The limitation of 100 members places a great restraint, since we have not yet explored the South American countries. Because of this it was agreed that 125 members should be the new figure. We are going to continue to be very selective, but unquestionably outstanding physicians interested in the skeletal system would be excluded from the organisation if it were kept to 100 members.

It was agreed that the President and President-Elect should serve two years, because in one year’s time they hardly get their feet wet and our Society would be much better served with a two year term of office. It was therefore agreed that in the future the president and president-elect terms will be two years. In the first year, Dr Jacobson has been founding president. In the second year, there will be co-presidents or an American and a European President – Jacobson from the United States and Murray from England.

It was agreed that each departing president will serve on the Steering Committee for an additional three years.

It was agreed that the local company in London should charge $8.00 per head to takecare of the registration and other administrative functions of the Refresher Course and meeting in London in 1975.

Meeting Places

1976 New York; 1977 Bermuda; 1978 San Diego; 1979 Switzerland – either Interlaken, Lucerne or Lazanc. These choices were made after considerable discussion and they will be subject to discussion and approval of Ronald Murray.

It was agreed that a subscription to the journal would be given to the candidates of the Refresher Course, beginning in 1976. An appropriate increase in the tuition would be charged.

New members approved by the Steering Committee were Colin Alexander of New Zealand, William T Mezzaros of Chicago, USA and Klaus Ranniger of Virginia, USA.


Harold G Jacobson discussed with Ronald O Murray the data in the foregoing. Dr Murray requested that Dr Jacobson serve for the first two years as President and Dr Murray the next two years as President without the concept of co-Presidents for the London meeting. Dr Murray approved of the meeting places through 1978 but requested that Amsterdam, Holland be substituted for Switzerland in 1979.